10 Ways To Deliver Smarter, Better Procurement
Are you ready to lead?
That is the question facing many Chief Procurement Officers after they – and their teams – performed Herculean feats to keep their organisations afloat amid a level of social, economic and political disruption seldom seen in peacetime.
This paper will run through the four stages of the procurement maturity model, how to measure success, functional steps to achieve streamlined procurement as well as a relevant case study of digital transformation.
The rewards of a smarter, better approach to business spend management include – but are not limited to – widespread user adoption, risk mitigation in the supply chain, cost savings and a business that is more agile and, as a consequence, more resilient. In a world where there is no such thing as ‘business as usual’, procurement needs to seize the day.
Here are 10 best practices which will help you on the journey to smarter, better procurement.