Travel & Expense Management


Trends & Benchmarks in Expense Management

Looking to assess the state of your travel and expense management? Paystream Advisors has compiled benchmarks and 2-year trends from companies of all sizes across a wide range of industries. For example, nearly 1/3 of companies are still using inter-office mail to submit expenses - even though fully automated processes save over $12 on every report.

Expense Management Data From 200 AP & Finance Professionals

Other key findings and data points include:

  •  Corporate credit card usage

  •  Top challenges in TEM

  •  Submission & reimbursement methods

  •  Extent of automation in use

  •  TEM features adopted

  •  Biggest benefits of automating

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"Increased adoption of supplier networks is largely attributed to improved networking functionality and the electronic transfer of documents between buyers and suppliers."

Supplier Network Management
PayStream Advisors